Wednesday, August 26, 2009

There's Magic In the Air-Monday Challenge

I had such a great time making last weeks challenge card that I thought I'd try it again this week. Hopefully as time goes by each card will get better and better. This week the challenge was to get inspired by this photo: using colors, pattern & mat......and don't forget that cute little Elvis in boots.

So here's my card. My little duck is orange, strange I know but the colors seemed to go better. Thanks for looking........any comments and constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

There's Magic In the Air-Monday Challenge

Since entering this new world of stamping/scrapbooking I've come across several great blogs and some very talented people. One that I came across is called There's Magic In the Air ( Monday's Challenge is a gate fold card with the Beached Boat image. I thought I'd give it a try and see what I could come up with........bare with me I'm new at doing this.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Back to School - August 12, 2009

Time to get back in the swing of things.....summer is over and its time to go back to school. The summer just flew by this year and now we have an 8th grader & a 4th grader. I just can't believe it.......were did the time go.

Here is Mr. Cool 8th grader. Keith has grown this summer so much he now stand about 3 inches taller than me. Before too long he's gonna pass his daddy.

Here's the cutest little 4th grader you've ever seen. He may be a 4th grader but he's still a mama's boy and my baby.

What wonderful boys God has blessed us with. Were very proud of both of them and can't believe how fast there growing......give your kids and loved ones hugs & kisses everyday and make sure they know how much you love them because time sure flies by.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Vacation in Springerville, AZ Cont...........

Here are a couple of video's we took while riding. WARNING: you might just get bounced out of your seat. It's not the easiest to take a video on the back of a 4whlr.

This one is of Logan

This one is of Keith riding Levi's motorcycle

Monday, August 10, 2009

Vacation in Springerville, AZ

Last vacation days before schools starts on Wednesday. We of course were not ready when we should have been. Levi ended up working until after 9:00 the night before we left which put us even further behind. Finally Levi & I started out Thursday eager to meet up with the boys since we hadn't seen them in a week. Ran into a lot of construction along the way....stop & go...up & down the mountains. Just before we went into the canyon before Showlow the brakes on the truck overheated and we had none. Pulling our toy hauler with all those bikes in there is not the funnest with no brakes. We pulled over (by this time were really late) to let the brakes cool and make sure we had some before going into the canyon. OH GREAT.....why why why we were saying just something else to delay our trip. You know I really wanted to get out of the heat for vacation. Levi's mom was already way ahead of us and was going to get to the meeting point way before us. We'll while we were there an older lady in her 70's pulled up also hauling a trailer.....her brakes overheated also. She was supper nervous about the canyon to begin with and with having her brakes overheat was now scared. While we were both waiting we talked to her she was headed to visit her son in Michigan for a while. Really nice lady. After a while it was time to go just as we were getting ready to go she started getting really scared and started to cry. Levi assured her everything was going to be good and told her that she could follow us down and we would go extremely slow and make sure she made it to the bottom. We said a prayer and headed out. As we were going down the canyon Levi & I were talking about how he had pulled our trailer tons of times all over and never had a problem when it hit us that this was just another one of Gods wonderful plans and he put us there to comfort the lady that we met and to help her get down the canyon.....Isn't our God amazing how he works. We'll we get down the hill just fine, the lady gets down just fine. We pulled over at the bottom to make sure she was ok and we were able to talk to her again and share with her how we felt that God put us there to share with her and be there for her in her time of being scared. As soon as we told her that she again started to cry and gave us a big hug. The stained glass angel that is in a previous post that was suppose to go to Levi's cousin we'll I gave it to that lady so she could remember the protection that God gave her that Thursday afternoon. We also gave her one of our bibles and a card for our church. I don't know where she stands with God or what her beliefs are but I do know that Levi & I were truly blessed to have met her and share Gods love with her. I don't know why because we see God do miracles in our lives everyday but I'm always amazed at how God uses us to help and bring others closer to him....which is what I hope & pray that we did. As I write this blog I just pray that she made it there safe and is having a wonderful time with her son.

+ + + +God your always so faithful to us, your love and protection is never ending. I pray that you put a hedge of protection over Darlene where ever she is tonight. I pray that through all of her being scared that she felt your hands wrapped around her and felt completely at peace knowing that your in control. I'm ever so thankful for you using me & Levi that day and I pray that we always have open hearts and minds for you. Amen + + + +

To some that will be just coincidence to us it was an appointment from God. What a blessing.........Ok so we got to Springerville. Here are the pics from our wonderful trip in no particular order.

Levi & the boys with there bikes at our camp.
A trail right by our camp.
Pic of our trailer & our camping area.
This is Levi's mom pulling the 4whlr because the battery was it started and didn't have a problem the rest of the time.
Keith one of the times we were out riding.
Logan...whining cause his boots were hurting his feet. The stinkin boots are new he's only wore them 2 times before this.......STOP GROWING!!!!
Great riding area
Beautiful view while we were riding.

I just loved this pic...all of them looking out at the view. I wish it wasn't so shaded but I thought it was a great moment caught on film.My guys
This was my favorite pic of the whole bunch.
Me & the boys...I know I look awful but we had been riding all day. I did have to take a shower that night.........can't stand to be's still camping even if you have a shower.
Me & Levi

What an awesome trip we just found our new favorite riding place. Hope to get back there real soon. We had such a great time.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Stained Glass Project

Just a quick post to show a couple of project that I just finished. The 1st is a football that was done for one of Levi's cousins. Her husband is a coach and she is giving it to him for a B-day present. I hope they like it. You cant see it and the closeup picture was awful so I didn't post it but all around the edges it has a twisted border. This is an angel suncatcher that I'm sending with the football for an extra prize.
Sorry for the pictures glass is so hard to take pictures and its late so these pics will have to work..........time for bed..........night!!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

So many August Birthdays!

Happy Birthday to all who were born in the wonderful month of August. That month sure did produce some pretty special people if I must say.....especially on August 5th-Happy Birthday to me Happy Birthday to me....anyway......there seemed to be a lot of B-days this month and here are some cards I made some of you for your special day. I was actually ahead of schedule so everyone should already have there's if not I guess this would be a sneak peek.

Mom got a card even though it wasn't her B-day....just wanted her to know I love her.
This one is for my aunt that I haven't talked to and seen in ages. She has the same B-day as mine so I thought I'd surprise her with a card....hope she likes it.

This is a thank you card. I got some markers to color in my stamps and wanted to try them out. There not the expensive scrapbooking markers but for what I do turned out pretty good.....trying to talk Levi into buying me the fine point Sharpies in the big pack....not working yet. I'm going send this card to Levi's mom to thank her for taking care of my boys. They've been in Tucumcari since Thursday and I sure do miss them. I'm having Keith & Logan withdrawls.

That's it for now, I'm almost finished with another stained glass project that I'll be posting soon.