Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Growing Crystals

For Logan's Birthday he got a Crystal Growing set. He's fascinated with rocks and that kind of stuff. Everytime we go to Albuquerque to go see my mom she always takes him to the rock shop and lets him pick out some stuff. He has a collection and right now I would say he has probably anywhere from 40-50 rocks. Some are just cool looking rocks that he finds here and there but others are just beautiful.....the kind w/the crystals in them. Anyway when we were at Michaels one day he saw this Crystal Growing set and since his b-day was coming up we got it for him.

Here he is mixing the solutions.

Gotta have eye protection.....doesn't he look so cute!

So here is how it starts our. You mix the packets and poor it over a rock.

He had 3 different colors: yellow, blue & green. You let them set in this liqued stuff for days and wait............and wait...............and wait........................and wait.......I can't remember how many days we let them sit in it.
But here is what he got.....not the same as the real thing but he really likes them and they'll get added to his collection.

You can see the rock in the center and all the other is just crystals that formed.
So if you find any cool rocks, send them our way. Logan would love to get some new ones.

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